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BASIC Source File
469 lines
10 ' Fracscapes
20 ' or
30 ' 3-D Fractal landscapes
40 '
50 ' by Michiel van de Panne
60 ' From the july issue of Creative Computing (R.I.P.)
70 '
80 ' hacked unmercifully and
90 ' modified for the Amiga from
100 ' the Mac version by
110 ' David Milligan, 70707,2521
120 ' and Ted Ingalls
130 ' 10-19-85
140 '
150 ' ** This program will construct a realistic
160 ' ** 3-D landscape fractal from many random numbers
170 ' ** in up to seven levels of detail, simulating
180 ' ** mountain ranges, coastlines, sea floor and/or
190 ' ** surfaces, lakes, islands, etc.
200 ' ** Once the array used to do the drawing is created,
210 ' ** it can be saved to disk and reloaded and re-drawn.
220 ' ** We saved the array rather than the screen because
230 ' ** (1) we couldn't figure out how to find the start
240 ' ** of screen memory from ABasiC and couldn't get
250 ' ** a 640x200 screen stuffed into an array, and
260 ' ** (2) the array can be re-drawn with different scaling
270 ' ** factors for perspective changes and with sea level on
280 ' ** or off (default is off).
290 ' ** The length of time required to draw an array depends
300 ' ** on the number of levels selected. For each increase
310 ' ** in level the number of triangular subdivisions
320 ' ** is quadrupled. A level 7 landscape has the highest
330 ' ** 'resolution', but takes over an hour to draw.
340 '
350 ' ** One of the main things we added to the original
360 ' ** program was color. The 12 colors are selected
370 ' ** by what we determined was altitude to render
380 ' ** forests, water, snow, dirt, etc.
390 ' ** Considering we understand vitually nothing
400 ' ** of the math involved, it works pretty well.
410 ' ** If you've got a better idea, have at it.
420 ' ** This program is definately NOT polished,
430 ' ** optimized or bug free, but it is fun to
440 ' ** play with.
450 ' ** While I don't understand them, I find fractal
460 ' ** graphics generation fascinating. If you've
470 ' ** got a nifty fractal program, upload it here
480 ' ** or sing out via E-mail.
490 '
500 ' David Milligan, 70707,2521
510 '
520 scnclr
530 '
540 rem *** Set Screen to 640 x 200 ***
550 '
560 ask window wid%,hi%
570 if wid%<600 then screen 1,4,0
580 '
590 ' *** Program Initialization ***
600 '
610 dim d(128,65),name$(40):a%=varptr(d(0,0)):l%=33280:le=0
620 gosub 4450:gosub 690:gosub 770:gosub 3300:goto 2760
630 '
640 rem *** Trap Mouse Button ***
650 '
660 ask mouse x%,y%,b%:if b%=0 then 660
670 return
680 '
690 rem *** Turn Off Cursor ***
700 '
710 rgb 15,0,0,0:return
720 '
730 rem *** Turn Cursor on ***
740 '
750 rgb 15,11,11,11:return
760 '
770 rem *** Set Program Colours ***
780 '
790 rgb 0,0,0,0
800 rgb 1,15,15,15
810 rgb 3,8,8,8:' light grey
820 rgb 4,5,5,5:' dark grey
830 rgb 5,7,4,3:' light brown
840 rgb 6,6,3,2:' dark brown
850 rgb 7,0,4,0:' medium green
860 rgb 8,0,0,12:' light blue
870 rgb 9,0,0,10:' blue
880 rgb 10,0,0,7:' medium blue
890 rgb 11,0,0,4:' dark blue
900 rgb 12,0,6,0:' green
910 rgb 13,0,7,0:' light green
920 rgb 14,0,2,0 :' dark green
930 return
940 '
950 ' *** Calculate array data and insert ***
960 '
970 print at (8,3);"Working on Level "
980 ds=2:for n=1 to le:ds=ds+2^(n-1):next n
990 mx=ds-1:my=mx/2:rh=pi*30/180:vt=rh*1.2
1000 for n=1 to le:l=10000/1.8^n
1010 print at (26,3);n
1020 ib=mx/2^n:sk=ib*2
1030 randomize -1
1040 gosub 1120:rem Assign heights along x in array
1050 gosub 1210:rem *** Assign heights along Y ***
1060 gosub 1300:rem *** Assign heights along Z ***
1070 next n
1080 scnclr:goto 2680
1090 '
1100 ' *** Heights along X ***
1110 '
1120 for ye=0 to mx-1 step sk
1130 for xe=ib+ye to mx step sk
1140 ax=xe-ib:ay=ye:gosub 1400:d1=d:ax=xe+ib:gosub 1400:d2=d
1150 d=(d1+d2)/2+rnd(1)*l/2-l/4:ax=xe:ay=ye:gosub 1470
1160 next xe
1170 next ye:return
1180 '
1190 rem *** Heights along Y ***
1200 '
1210 for xe=mx to 1 step -sk
1220 for ye=ib to xe step sk
1230 ax=xe:ay=ye+ib:gosub 1400:d1=d:ay=ye-ib:gosub 1400:d2=d
1240 d=(d1+d2)/2+rnd(1)*l/2-l/4:ax=xe:ay=ye:gosub 1470
1250 next ye
1260 next xe:return
1270 '
1280 rem *** Heights along Z ***
1290 '
1300 for xe=0 to mx-1 step sk
1310 for ye=ib to mx-xe step sk
1320 ax=xe+ye-ib:ay=ye-ib:gosub 1400:d1=d
1330 ax=xe+ye+ib:ay=ye+ib:gosub 1400:d2=d
1340 ax=xe+ye:ay=ye:d=(d1+d2)/2+rnd(1)*l/2-l/4:gosub 1470
1350 next ye
1360 next xe:return
1370 '
1380 rem *** Return data from array ***
1390 '
1400 if ay>my then 1420
1410 by=ay:bx=ax:goto 1430
1420 by=mx+1-ay:bx=mx-ax
1430 d=d(bx,by):return
1440 '
1450 rem *** Put data into array ***
1460 '
1470 if ay>my then 1490
1480 by=ay:bx=ax:goto 1500
1490 by=mx+1-ay:bx=mx-ax
1500 d(bx,by)=d:return
1510 '
1520 rem *** Sea level section ***
1530 '
1540 if sealevel=0 then gosub 1750:return
1550 if xo<>-999 then 1580
1560 if zz<0 then gosub 2010:z2=zz:zz=0:goto 1740
1570 gosub 2050:goto 1730
1580 if z2>0 and zz>0 then gosub 1750:goto 1730
1590 if z2<0 and zz<0 then z2=zz:zz=0:goto 1740
1600 w3=zz/(zz-z2):x3=(x2-xx)*w3+xx:y3=(y2-yy)*w3+yy:z3=0
1610 zt=zz:yt=yy:xt=xx
1620 if zz>0 then 1710
1630 '
1640 rem *** Going into water ***
1650 '
1660 zz=z3:yy=y3:xx=x3:gosub 2320
1670 gosub 2010:zz=0:yy=yt:xx=xt:z2=zt:goto 1740
1680 '
1690 rem *** Coming out of water ***
1700 '
1710 zz=z3:yy=y3:xx=x3:gosub 2320
1720 gosub 2050:zz=zt:yy=yt:xx=xt
1730 z2=zz
1740 x2=xx:y2=yy:return
1750 '
1760 ' *** New Color Subroutine ***
1770 '
1780 if zz<0 then goto 1890
1790 if zz>950 then pena 2:return
1800 if zz>850 then pena 3:return
1810 if zz>750 then pena 4:return
1820 if zz>650 then pena 5:return
1830 if zz>550 then pena 6:return
1840 if zz>450 then pena 13:return
1850 if zz>350 then pena 12:return
1860 if zz>100 then pena 7:return
1870 gosub 2050
1880 return
1890 '
1900 ' *** below sea level ***
1910 '
1920 if zz>-200 then gosub 2010:return
1930 if zz>-500 then pena 9:return
1940 if zz>-800 then pena 10:return
1950 if zz>-1200 then pena 11:return
1960 pena 11
1970 return
1980 '
1990 rem *** Switch to sea level color ***
2000 '
2010 pena 8:f1=1:return
2020 '
2030 rem *** Switch to land color ***
2040 '
2050 pena 14
2060 f1=0:return
2070 '
2080 ' *** Rotation ***
2090 '
2100 if xx<>0 then 2130
2110 if yy<=0 then ra=-pi/2:goto 2150
2120 ra=pi/2:goto 2150
2130 ra=atn(yy/xx)
2140 if xx<0 then ra=ra+pi
2150 r1=ra+rh:rd=sqr(xx*xx+yy*yy)
2160 xx=rd*cos(r1):yy=rd*sin(r1)
2170 return
2180 '
2190 rem *** Tilt down ***
2200 '
2210 rd=sqr(zz*zz+xx*xx)
2220 if xx=0 then ra=pi/2:goto 2250
2230 ra=atn(zz/xx)
2240 if xx<0 then ra=ra+pi
2250 r1=ra-vt
2260 xx=rd*cos(r1)+xx:zz=rd*sin(r1)
2270 return
2280 '
2290 rem *** Plot to (xp,yp) ***
2300 '
2310 gosub 1540
2320 xx=xx*xs:yy=yy*ys:zz=zz*zs
2330 gosub 2100:rem *** Rotate ***
2340 gosub 2210:rem *** Tilt up ***
2350 if xo=-999 then pr$="M" else pr$="D"
2360 xp=int(yy)+cx:yp=int(zz)
2370 gosub 2400
2380 return
2390 '
2400 rem *** do plotting here ***
2410 '
2420 ask mouse x%,y%,b%:if b%<>0 then 2760
2430 xp=xp*1.38:yp=48.53-0.663*yp:if pr$="M" then x8=xp:y8=yp
2440 draw (x8,y8 to xp,yp):x8=xp:y8=yp:xo=xp
2450 return
2460 '
2470 rem *** Plot X Axis ***
2480 '
2490 for ax=0 to mx:xo=-999:for ay=0 to ax
2500 gosub 1400:zz=d:yy=ay/mx*10000:xx=ax/mx*10000-yy/2
2510 gosub 2310:next ay:next ax
2520 return
2530 '
2540 rem *** Plot Y Axis ***
2550 '
2560 for ay=0 to mx:xo=-999:for ax=ay to mx
2570 gosub 1400:zz=d:yy=ay/mx*10000:xx=ax/mx*10000-yy/2
2580 gosub 2310:next ax:next ay
2590 return
2600 '
2610 rem *** Plot Z Axis ***
2620 '
2630 for ex=0 to mx:xo=-999:for ey=0 to mx-ex
2640 ax=ex+ey:ay=ey:gosub 1400:zz=d:yy=ay/mx*10000
2650 xx=ax/mx*10000-yy/2:gosub 2310:next ey:next ex
2660 return
2670 '
2680 ' *** Setup Screen ***
2690 '
2700 close 2:cmd 1:graphic(1):gosub 760
2710 tax=ax:tay=ay
2720 gosub 2630
2730 gosub 2560
2740 gosub 2490
2750 '
2760 rem *** Main Menu Section ***
2770 '
2780 gosub 3370
2790 print at(4,2);"-> Use Keyboard to Select <-"
2800 print at(6,4);"1 - Start New Landscape"
2810 ? at(6,5);"2 - Draw Existing Array"
2820 ? at(6,6);"3 - Save Fractal Array"
2830 ? at(6,7);"4 - Load Fractal Array"
2840 ? at(6,8);"5 - Reset Scaling Factors"
2850 ? at(6,9);"6 - Set Sea Level Options"
2860 rem ? at(6,10);"7 - Read & Display Mouse x,y"
2870 ? at(6,11);"7 - Close This Window !"
2880 ? at(10,12);"Click the Left Button"
2890 ? at(10,13);"To Restore Menu"
2900 ? at(6,14);"0 - Exit to ABasiC"
2910 pena 0:gosub 4500
2920 print at(10,16);"Selection (0-8) ";:input a$
2930 query=val(a$):print at(10,16);spc(20):erase a$
2940 on query goto 3120,4140,3650,3760,4240,4010,4000,4000,4000
2950 '
2960 rem *** Program exit ***
2970 '
2980 scnclr:close 3
2990 cmd 1:scnclr:close 1
3000 cmd 0:pena 0
3010 '
3020 rem *** Restore ABasiC's colours ***
3030 '
3040 rgb 0,6,9,15
3050 rgb 1,0,0,0
3060 rgb 2,15,15,15
3070 gosub 750
3080 clr:end
3090 '
3100 rem *** Start a new fractal screen ***
3110 '
3120 scnclr:close 3
3130 '
3140 rem *** New landscape ***
3150 '
3160 cmd 1:graphic(1):scnclr
3170 gosub 3330
3180 '
3190 rem *** Prompt to begin drawing ***
3200 '
3210 print at(2,2);"Click the Left Mouse Button to Start."
3220 print at(4,4);"Click While Drawing to Abort."
3230 gosub 660:scnclr
3240 print at(8,3);"Number of levels ";:input le
3250 scnclr:if le<1 or le>7 then 3240
3260 goto 950
3270 '
3280 rem *** Windows ***
3290 '
3300 window #1,0,0,639,199,"Fracscapes"
3310 return
3320 '
3330 window #2,120,50,340,60,"New Fracscape"
3340 cmd #2:graphic(0):scnclr
3350 return
3360 '
3370 window #3,100,20,300,160,"Main Menu"
3380 cmd 3:graphic(0):scnclr
3390 return
3400 '
3410 window #4,100,50,400,40,"Save Array"
3420 cmd 4:graphic(0):scnclr
3430 return
3440 '
3450 window #5,100,100,400,40,"Load Array"
3460 cmd 5:graphic(0):scnclr
3470 return
3480 '
3490 window #6,100,20,340,130,"Array Description"
3500 cmd 6:graphic(0):scnclr
3510 return
3520 '
3530 window #7,100,30,340,60,"Sea Level Options"
3540 cmd 7:graphic(0):scnclr
3550 return
3560 '
3570 window #8,50,20,340,50,"Draw Array in Memory"
3580 cmd 8:graphic(0)
3590 return
3600 '
3610 window #9,150,30,300,130,"Scaling Settings"
3620 cmd 9:graphic(0)
3630 return
3640 '
3650 rem *** screen save ***
3660 '
3670 on error goto 4540
3680 gosub 3410:name$=""
3690 print at(2,2);"Save Array as -> ";:line input name$
3700 d(0,65)=le:d(1,65)=mx:d(2,65)=my:d(3,65)=tax:d(4,65)=tay
3710 d(5,65)=xs:d(6,65)=ys:d(7,65)=zs:d(8,65)=sealevel
3720 bsave name$,a%,l%
3730 scnclr:close 4:cmd 3
3740 goto 4110
3750 '
3760 rem *** Screen Load ***
3770 '
3780 ' on error goto 5000
3790 gosub 3450:name$=""
3800 print at(2,2);"Name of Array to Load -> ";:line input name$
3810 bload name$,a%
3820 le=d(0,65):mx=d(1,65):my=d(2,65):ax=d(3,65):ay=d(4,65)
3830 xs=d(5,65):ys=d(6,65):zs=d(7,65):sealevel=d(8,65)
3840 scnclr:close 5
3850 gosub 3490
3860 ? at(7,2);"Array name -> ";name$
3870 ? at(7,4);"Number of Levels -> ";le
3880 if sealevel=0 then level$="off" else level$="on"
3890 ? at(7,6);"Sea Level Display -> ";level$
3900 ? at(7,8);"Scaling Values -> X= ";xs
3910 ? at(26,9);"Y= ";ys
3920 ? at(26,10);"Z= ";zs
3930 ? at(5,13);"Click left button to continue"
3940 gosub 640
3950 scnclr:close #6:cmd 3
3960 goto 4110
3970 '
3980 rem *** Turn off menu window ***
3990 '
4000 scnclr:close 3:gosub 660:goto 2760
4010 '
4020 ' **** Set Sea Level Option ****
4030 '
4040 gosub 3530
4050 print at (2,3);"Display sea level surface (Y/N) ";:input a$
4060 if a$="y" or a$="Y" then sealevel=1 else sealevel=0:goto 4070
4070 scnclr:close 7:cmd 3
4080 '
4090 ' *** Error Trap ***
4100 '
4110 on error goto 4540
4120 query=0:erase a$
4130 goto 2920
4140 '
4150 ' *** Redraw old Array ***
4160 '
4170 if le=0 then 2920
4180 gosub 3570
4190 print at(2,2);"Clear Screen Before Re-Draw (Y/N) ";:input a$
4200 scnclr:close 8:cmd 3:scnclr:close 3:cmd 1:graphic(1)
4210 if a$="y" or a$="Y" then scnclr
4220 erase a$:goto 2700
4230 '
4240 ' *** Scaling Settings ***
4250 '
4260 gosub 3610
4270 graphic(0)
4280 print at(5,2);"Current Scaling Settings :"
4290 print at(13,4);"X= ";xs
4300 print at(13,5);"Y= ";ys
4310 print at(13,6);"Z= ";zs
4320 print at(5,8);"Press C to Change Settings"
4330 print at(11,9);"D for Default Settings"
4340 print at(11,10);"X to Exit"
4350 gosub 4500
4360 print at(13,12);"Selection ";:input a$
4370 if a$="c" or a$="C" then 4420
4380 if a$="d" or a$="D" then gosub 4460:goto 4410
4390 if a$<>"x" and a$<>"X" then 4410
4400 scnclr:close 9:cmd 3:goto 4110
4410 scnclr:erase a$:goto 4280
4420 print at(13,12);spc(16)
4430 print at(4,12);"Input New X,Y,Z ";:input xs,ys,zs
4440 goto 4410
4450 '
4460 ' *** Stock Scaling Factors ***
4470 '
4480 xs=.04:ys=.04:zs=.05:return
4490 '
4500 for i=0 to 10
4510 get a$:erase a$:next i
4520 on error goto 4540
4530 return
4540 '
4550 '
4560 ' **** error trap ****
4570 '
4580 '
4590 fmem%=fre
4600 window #10,100,100,300,90,"Rats - An Error Occurred"
4610 cmd #10:graphic(0):scnclr
4620 ?at(2,2);"Error # ";err;" occurred at line ";erl
4630 ?at(2,4);err$(err)
4640 ?at(2,5);"There are ";fmem%;" bytes of memory showing"
4650 ?at(2,7);"Click left button to continue...."
4660 gosub 640
4670 scnclr:close 10,3,4,5,6
4680 goto 2760